Editorial team
Vasilij N. Tikmenov — Editor-in-chief, the founder and Director General at JSC «STC ELINS», Doctor of Engineering, assistant professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Military Sciences, councillor of the Russian Academy of Missile and Ammunition Sciences; author of over 250 scientific papers, over 150 patents of invention or industrial designs, of 10 monographs; “Best Director of the Year” award winner among companies registered in Zelenograd city (2004, 2005, 2008); Lenin Komsomol award winner (1980), recipient of medal for “Achievements in the USSR National Economy Development” (1984), winner of the USSR state prize for activities in the field of special engineering industry (1988), recipient of medal “In Commemoration of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow” (1997), winner of S. I. Mosin prize (2003), receiver of the Academician V. F. Utkin gold medal (2007), winner of the Russian Federation Government prize in science and engineering (2009), bearer of title “Honorary Scientist of Moscow” (2010), receiver of award pin “200th Anniversary of Internal Military Forces of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs” (2012), receiver of medal awarded by the Russian Federation Ministry of Defence “For Achievements in Innovation Technology Development” (2014), receiver of badge “For Honourable Service to Moscow” (2020).
Viktor T. Nikolaev — Deputy Editor-in-chief, professor, Candidate of Engineering, Research Worker of JSC «STC ELINS»
Alexander V. Goryachev — professor, Doctor of Engineering, Director General at JSC «CCB ICS»
Alexander N. Isachenko — associate professor, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, senior lecturer of Department of information management systems BSU (Belarus)
Igor B. Kozhukhov — professor, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University theoretical informatics department, Professor of Higher Mathematics Department № 1 at MIET
Oleg I. Lisov — professor, Doctor of Engineering, Professor of Institute of Systems and Software Engineering and Information Technology at MIET.
Alexander T. Ovcharov — professor, Doctor of Engineering, professor of Architectural Design Department at Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building
Sergey V. Selishchev — professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, head of Biomedical Systems Department at MIET
Anatoly M. Tereschenko— professor, Doctor of Engineering, Professor of MIET.
Sergey P. Timoshenkov — professor, Doctor of Engineering, head of Institute of Nano and Microsystem Technology at MIET.
Vladimir I. Ukhandeev — Candidate of Engineering, first deputy chief designer at JSC «STC ELINS», senior lecturer of Institute MCS at MIET
Anatolii V. Shchagin — professor, Doctor of Engineering, Professor of National Research University of Electronic Technology at MIET